
Turnitin can now detect AI-generated writing, including that created with tools like ChatGPT, with 98% accuracy. While ChatGPT is meant to mimic human conversation, Turnitin’s technology can distinguish unique AI-generated patterns. However, there are conflicting reports about the accuracy of Turnitin’s detection of ChatGPT online.

ChatGPT, an AI language model, is one such tool that has gained popularity in recent years due to its ability to generate high-quality text. ChatGPT uses a machine learning algorithm that has been trained on massive amounts of data to predict and generate text based on the patterns it has learned. This technology can be helpful for students to gain insights, inspiration, and ideas when writing papers. However, when used improperly, it can lead to plagiarism issues.

了解更多: 如何使用ChatGPT編寫求職信

同時,也必須注意的是,儘管憑藉 AI 技術的寫作工具可以為學生提供寶貴的見解和觀點,但在寫作任務上,不能僅僅依賴這些工具。學生應該繼續學習和發展自己的寫作能力,把 AI 寫作工具當作輔助,並對從外部資源獲取的任何觀點或資訊給予適當的歸屬。

Turnitin 對 ChatGPT 的檢測有多準確?

Turnitin 可以檢測到其他 AI 生成的作品有哪些呢?

Turnitin 如何辨認 AI 生成的寫作與人類寫作之間的區別?



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